Friday, May 18, 2007

OK, I'm a Game Show Snob

I prefer the old-style game shows.

Old-style shows required an individual to demonstrate mastery of a wide range of educationally sophisticated topics. Think Jeopardy! here.

Newer game shows let people cheat: poll the audience, phone a friend, or copy from a fifth-grader, for pity's sake!

The newest game shows--Deal or No Deal, National Bingo Night--are just guessing games. Playing them requires the brains of a hibernating slug.

I prefer the old-style game shows. So why can't I stop watching the new ones?


Jim MacKenzie said...

Because you need to get a life, take up golf (seriously).

See you Monday...

Anonymous said...

Sophisticated topics like guessing the price of mundane objects whilst wearing wacko costumes? Come on down!!! Some things never change.

Get your dogs and cats spayed and neutered!

preacherman said...

Great post.
I love the old shows: name that tune, I don't even like how they have messed with wheel of fortune.

Have you seen the show 1 vs. 100. I think that show is pretty cool for a game show.