Sunday, July 16, 2006

How Embarrassing!

I hate it when I make dumb mistakes in my sermons. Three weeks ago, I was commenting on the sudden appearance of hundreds of people wearing Bluetooth phone devices. I said I thought they were the the first step toward becoming the Borg in Star Wars. I was thinking Star Trek, but said Star Wars. Every Trekkie in the church took it upon themselves to correct me. I think I could have referred to Elvis as the fourth member of the trinity and caused less of a stir.

But today, I topped myself. I made reference to The Passion of the Christ as a Mel Brooks film! What was supposed to be a serious moment in my sermon became decidedly less so. I have to admit, just imagining what The Passion of the Christ might look like if done by Mel Brooks is absurd enough to make me giggle.

That prayer that God would keep me humble: it's working.


Jim MacKenzie said...

Talk about your senior moments. You'll always be the cool, dead-teenager song singer to me...

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, I missed that one, although it was well discussed at the praise team meeting that night -- complete with possible quotes from said Mel Brooks film!

Mark said...

C'mon folks, don't hold back. Let's hear some of those quotes from Mel Brooks' Passion.

Steve Baggett said...

I'll borrow this from a comic that shall remain nameless, but Mel Brooks would probably come up with a Mrs. Jesus. Jesus would leave on a Friday with 12 of his buddies and be gone all weekend and show up Sunday night looking real bad and Mrs. Jesus would be in the doorway with arms crossed and foot tapping and say "Well Jesus... where have you been all weekend?!?" and Jesus would respond "Well - not that it's any of your business, but... I'VE BEEN DEAD!"

or how about the scene from the garden? Jesus could say "Swords? We don't need no stinking Swords".

and there would have to be a scene with the apostles sitting around a fire passing gas.

sorry - but you asked :-)