Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Good News at Lakewood

One of the joys of traveling is getting to visit other churches. Sunday, we attended the Lakewood Church of Christ. Lakewood is the Denver suburb where my daughter and son-in-law live. They are members of the Littleton Church, which is a wonderful congregation. But, with daughter and granddaughter in the hospital following the latter's birth, we decided to go someplace close.

We were uplifted and encouraged by our experience at Lakewood. Currently, they are doing a 40X40 prayer project. They have purchased the names and addresses of individuals who live in their area. Church members have committed themselves to pray for 40 people they do not know for 40 days straight. Each week, there is a different theme for the prayers that are being said. This week, it is "healing;" Reg Cox, the minister of the Word, delivered a wonderful message on praying for healing. Lakewood members will be praying for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of strangers who live in their community. At the end of the 40 days, each member will write a letter of encouragement to the 40 people for whom he or she has been praying. I believe God will provide some amazing (and humbling) answers to these prayers.

The teens at Lakewood set up a wonderful prayer room for members to use during the 40 days. It has various stations with appropriate decor to help people experience the various moods of prayer. They have posted hours through the week for people to come in and use the prayer room. It's great to see teens leading a congregation in spiritual disciplines.

Worshiping with the Lakewood church was a tremendous encouragement to me. My mind is full of ministry ideas and insights from just one short visit. May God bless the Lakewood church!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Field trips are always a good way to "brainstorm"!!! Sounds like they have some really great ideas and sounds like you and Cheryl are having a real nice time.