Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Community of Faithful Love

We got the call yesterday that my brother-in-law, Tim Bass, will not be with us much longer. I can't describe our sadness. I'm writing this hurriedly as we prepare to leave to be with him and the rest of the family. We need your prayers. But before I go, I wanted to share the last entry Tim's wife Anne posted on his Care Page. It's a witness not only to a life of faith (Tim & Anne's), but to a wonderfully supportive faith family that has surrounded them. Read it, then say a prayer of thanks for this wonderful group of Christians:

It has been an eventful few days. We started working with the hospice staff who have been wonderful. Tim was able to enjoy some special company both on Saturday and Sunday, and even sing out some hymns with his beautiful bass voice. On Sunday, he stood before the church, weak and on oxygen, but sharing blessings for them as an elder and confirming the elder who was to take his place. By Monday he became very tired, Tuesday he was in horrible pain and very unsteady, and today we were told by the hospice nurse that his liver is likely shutting down. He may be within hours or days of leaving us to go home to Our Father. He is not suffering very much, the meds appear to be controlling his pain quite well. There have been wonderful companions all day to share this time with us. Both our dear minister friends were here much of the day, helping assist Tim in and out of bed. Their wives blessed us with their love and help as well. Our two sons came, as well as our adopted children, Darrow and Crystal and baby Hailey. My dear sister/friend Lyn Grant helped in so many ways, from taking mom to for an MRI, bringing food, serving guests, providing nursing care, and wonderful hugs. Our amazing church family came tonight with candles and sung hymns from our front yard and prayed for us. They sounded like angels coming to minister to us, but were so special because we know and love them. Some brought food and cleaned my house. Tim's family is on their way tomorrow, except his father who just had a knee replacement surgery yesterday. Hopefully, he can join us soon. Although not comprehending alot, Tim has recognized most everyone who has come and appreciated all their love for us. On every side God has been with us, providing our needs and showering us with His love as Tim prepares to make his journey into His hands. Tim has asked that we celebrate his journey, and not remain sorrowful. He wants us to remember to live for the things that count, and I truly beieve that is what he has done. He brings love, laughter, and kindness to each day. I cannot describe in any words known to man how blessed I am to be his wife. Thank you all for your continued prayers and friendship. Anne Bass

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