Wednesday, May 17, 2006


After thirty-five years of ministry, I thought all my "firsts" were behind me. But this Saturday, I'll be conducting my first quinceañera ever. The word means "fifteenth year," and is a rite of passage in Latino culture for girls turning fifteen. Sasha Reeves, whose mother Nuzly is from Honduras, is celebrating her birthday by embracing her heritage with a full-blown quinceañera.

American culture, sadly, is lacking in positive rites of passage. Getting drunk on your 21st birthday is as close as we come, and that's hardly positive. I'd like to see families and churches "institutionalize" some rites of passage like the quinceañera. At Sasha's ceremony, her family and our church community will be sending her four very important messages:
  1. We value you. We have invested years of love, hard work, money, and patient instruction in you. We did it because we believed in you and in your future.
  2. Your contributions count. You are now capable of shouldering more adult responsibilities and we're counting on you to do your part for the good of the community.
  3. Your decisions matter. You will be enjoying greater freedom to make your own decisions. But the stakes are higher than ever. Wrong decisions at this stage in life can result in irreparable harm or death, either to yourself or others. They may even have eternal consequences. But wise decisions can result in incredible--and eternal--good. We're praying that you choose wisely.
  4. We're here for you. Children need parental rules and discipline. Adults need the mutual care and accountability of a close, loving community. We welcome you into our community and pledge to encourage and support you.

I'm so honored to be the spokesperson who gets to convey these messages to Sasha. But the message is not to her alone. There will be 28 attendants in her "court of honor," all young adults like herself. If just a few of them catch a glimpse of how valuable they are to God and their community, it will be worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

Mark: Thanks for letting me know about your blog... I look forward to including it in my reading! As for your post today... I couldn't agree more. We have an annual dedication of children to God, but that is as close as we get right now. A good beginning I think. God bless.

Mark said...

If I had to do it over again, I'd do better, but I did manage to pull off a couple of neat rites of passage. With my son, I took him away for a Father/Son weekend when he was twelve. We had a lot of fun time, but some structured man-to-man talk time, too. With my daughter, I took her on her very first date. We made a really big deal out of it and both loved it.